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  • Writer's pictureSea Bee Sailing

Coming up - month long passage and overnight sail!

We are planning to head out on a month-long passage tomorrow. The plan is to head up north in Croatia to a city called Pula on the southern tip of the Istrian Peninsula known for its ancient Roman buildings and Italian influence. We hope to do our first overnight passage, as long as the weather continues to look favorable.

Once we make it up north, we will slowly make our way back down to southern Croatia by stopping and exploring the numerous islands and bays along the way. To be honest we haven't had the time to put together a detailed agenda, or sail plan listing all the places we want to see during upcoming month long passage. Once we returned to the marina after our first 8-day passage, our days have been filled with boat projects, cleaning, maintenance, shopping, etc. and everything seems to take so long to complete. The days are just flying by! Once we make it to Pula, I think we will just figure things out each day as it comes. This will be good for me to live more in the moment and not be such a planner. If anyone out there has any sailing recommendations, or great anchorages we should try to see please let us know!

Yesterday we pushed out our 4th YouTube video. An actual sailing video – finally!! Check it out to see how beautiful sailing and travel in Croatia is. We really are falling in love with this place. We are also fortunate to be here right now without the typical tourist crowds Croatia sees. I'm sure everyone will be rushing back once travel starts to open up more. In the meantime, we have Croatia to ourselves!

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